If you are a fan of Tower defense (TD) games and like to simulate defense legend fire shooting, so Defense Tower: Legend game is game for you. This is a game developed from classic Strategy games genre, old game but with a new context, more vivid graphics, more modern combat scene, fiercer, more glamorous.
One day, our beautiful country is under attack of the robot terminator and the alien attack. The alien invaders beat our squad, they destroyed all of country. And you are the chosen hero. Your mission is to be the guardians of the country. Now, find the companion, build defense tower team, command the robot to protect the origin country and the surrounding asteroids.
Defense zone game puts you at the defense on fire with defense war. You will be faced an increasingly large number of enemies. Are you sure you will survival the bullet hell ?
As the game progresses, you will earn the right to upgrade your robot defense to bring it to full lethal capacity.
-More than 40 levels battle.
- Amazing lighting and special effects
- Includes Power-ups and Bosses!
- Leader board global.
-Tower defense updated new weapons decisive in the fight, bringing the difference to the tower defense game (TD).
+ LDC – 055: combinations of explosives support in situations large number of enemy troops.
+ UXO – W: sound waves bombs with great power create sound waves widely to destroy the enemy on a large scale.
+ Ice – age: with the ability to freeze all enemies it scans in the path in a certain time period.
+ BF1: BF1 with 5 combat planes carrying a lots of bombs is the fear of the enemy.
+ Hellfire Area: fire from the hell will destroy all enemies on the way they across.
+ Supergun-F: weapons which operate like guns with rocket warhead. Destructive power. Unlimited range.
- Build defensive towers
-Upgrade tower to stronger
-Use special item to defense with strong enemies.
- Invite friends to play with for more fun.
Let's play and enjoy Defense tower defense war. You will realize it is a great strategy game of strategy games free.
Se você é um fã de jogos Tower Defense (TD) e gosta de simular tiro de fogo de lenda de defesa, então Tower Defense: jogo de lenda é jogo para você. Este é um jogo desenvolvido a partir do gênero clássico de jogos de estratégia, antigo jogo, mas com um novo contexto, gráficos mais vívidos, cena de combate mais moderna, mais feroz, mais glamourosa.
Um dia, nosso lindo país está sob ataque do terminador do robô e do ataque alienígena. Os invasores alienígenas bateram nosso esquadrão, eles destruíram todo o país. E você é o herói escolhido. Sua missão é ser os guardiões do país. Agora, encontre o companheiro, construa a equipe da torre de defesa, comande o robô para proteger o país de origem e os asteróides adjacentes.
O jogo da zona de defesa coloca você na defesa em chamas com a guerra da defesa. Você será enfrentado um número cada vez maior de inimigos. Você tem certeza que vai sobreviver o inferno da bala?
À medida que o jogo progride, você ganhará o direito de atualizar sua defesa do robô para levá-lo à capacidade letal completa.
-Mais de 40 níveis de batalha.
- Iluminação incrível e efeitos especiais
- Inclui power-ups e chefes!
- Quadro de líderes global.
-Defesa de defesa atualizou novas armas decisivas na luta, trazendo a diferença para o jogo de defesa (TD).
+ LDC - 055: combinações de explosivos suportam em situações grande número de tropas inimigas.
+ UXO - W: bombas de ondas sonoras com grande poder criam ondas sonoras amplamente para destruir o inimigo em grande escala.
+ Ice-age: com a capacidade de congelar todos os inimigos, ele verifica no caminho em um determinado período de tempo.
+ BF1: BF1 com 5 aviões de combate carregando muitas bombas é o medo do inimigo.
+ Hellfire Area: fogo do inferno irá destruir todos os inimigos no caminho que eles atravessam.
+ Supergun-F: armas que funcionam como armas com ogiva de foguete. Poder destrutivo. Alcance ilimitado
- Construa torres defensivas
-Atualize a torre para mais forte
-Use item especial para defesa com inimigos fortes.
- Convide amigos para brincar para mais diversão.
Vamos jogar e desfrutar da guerra da defesa da defesa. Você vai perceber que é um ótimo jogo de estratégia de jogos de estratégia grátis.
If you are a fan of Tower defense (TD) games and like to simulate defense legend fire shooting, so Defense Tower: Legend game is game for you. This is a game developed from classic Strategy games genre, old game but with a new context, more vivid graphics, more modern combat scene, fiercer, more glamorous.
One day, our beautiful country is under attack of the robot terminator and the alien attack. The alien invaders beat our squad, they destroyed all of country. And you are the chosen hero. Your mission is to be the guardians of the country. Now, find the companion, build defense tower team, command the robot to protect the origin country and the surrounding asteroids.
Defense zone game puts you at the defense on fire with defense war. You will be faced an increasingly large number of enemies. Are you sure you will survival the bullet hell ?
As the game progresses, you will earn the right to upgrade your robot defense to bring it to full lethal capacity.
-More than 40 levels battle.
- Amazing lighting and special effects
- Includes Power-ups and Bosses!
- Leader board global.
-Tower defense updated new weapons decisive in the fight, bringing the difference to the tower defense game (TD).
+ LDC – 055: combinations of explosives support in situations large number of enemy troops.
+ UXO – W: sound waves bombs with great power create sound waves widely to destroy the enemy on a large scale.
+ Ice – age: with the ability to freeze all enemies it scans in the path in a certain time period.
+ BF1: BF1 with 5 combat planes carrying a lots of bombs is the fear of the enemy.
+ Hellfire Area: fire from the hell will destroy all enemies on the way they across.
+ Supergun-F: weapons which operate like guns with rocket warhead. Destructive power. Unlimited range.
- Build defensive towers
-Upgrade tower to stronger
-Use special item to defense with strong enemies.
- Invite friends to play with for more fun.
Let's play and enjoy Defense tower defense war. You will realize it is a great strategy game of strategy games free.